Daina House

Daina in Playmate of the Month pictorial

Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial
Daina House in Playmate of the Month pictorial

Daina House, Playmate of the Month January 1976, pictured in Playmate of the Month pictorial, Decidedly Daina. The text accompanying the photos read:

Decidedly Daina

January’s Daina House has some very definite ideas about where she’s at — so we’ve let her speak for herself

I must admit I had certain misgivings about becoming a Playmate. Down in Texas, which is where I was born and reared, we used to hear all kinds of kinky rumors about Playboy – like what those little stars on the cover meant and all – so you might say I had my doubts. It all started about a year ago, when I did an ad for a platform-shoe company in L.A. One of the photographers asked me to do a promo gig for him and I said OK, and he took a bunch of my pictures up to Playboy with the intention of promoting the shoes. Ironically, Playboy wanted the girl – me – not the shoes; but I said no at first. I figured I’d have to put up with all sorts of hanky-panky from the photographers. But Marilyn Grabowski, the West Coast Photography Editor, was real nice and assured me that it wasn’t that way at all, and eventually I agreed. I love modeling, anyway, mainly because I love to have my picture taken. Even as a kid in Dallas, I used to be the star of my dad’s home movies. Which is one big reason why I’m an actress. Acting gives me a lot of satisfaction – it’s a release for my frustrations. People tend to think beautiful girls are all dumbbells, which I’m not. Acting gives me a way of showing those people that I’ve got talent. In fact, I’d rather play a nun than a sexpot. My movie credits so far haven’t been all that impressive, but after all, I’m just starting out. I had a tiny walk-on in Farewell, My Lovely and I’m going up to Montana to film The Winds of Autumn, in which I play a whore. Also, I’m up for the female lead in Tom Laughlin’s new film, ‘The Deadliest Spy,’ so keep your fingers crossed. You’ve got to be pretty ballsy to get ahead in this business and I am ballsy, but I’m all cotton inside and I hurt easily. Also, I can’t stand phoniness. There’s a lot of that in showbiz and I react to it by being real. It’s hard sometimes, but I try. It’s just the way I am. Like it or not.